
Penbrook American Legion Post



 Post History



"In naming our post, we had ten deserving heroes to choose from. By naming our post after their community, 'Penbrook', we name it after them all."




C.R. Anderson, First Commander

WWI Veteran, May 21, 1945


In sacred memory of those from our hometown Penbrook, who gave the supreme sacrifice in World War II

Sergeant Bashore

First Lieutenant William Fudge

Private First Class Samual B. Gibney

Private Lester K. Larew

Corporal W. Kirk Mountz

Private First Class Eugene Peters

Fireman First Class G. Wilson Riffert II

Private First Class Laid V. Rogers

Corporal Richard F. Wahl

Corporal William H. Wolf



Present Home of Penbrook Post 730
3813 Walnut Street
Dedicated June 11, 2005





History of American Legion Penbrook Post 730

A local American Legion Post for the Community of Penbrook was started early in 1944. The First meeting was held on March 13, 1944, when eight temporary officers were appointed. Six of these were World War I Veteran's and two were World War II Veteran's. One week later County and District officers installed the first regular officers at the borough hall at 27th and Canby Street, where monthly meetings were held.

On May 21, 1945 application for a permanent charter was executed with a membership of 29 Veteran's. During 1946 membership had grown to over 200 Veteran's.

During this time the Post looked for and found a Post home on February 2, 1946. The building was across from the borough hall and firehouse at 27th and Canby Street, was transferred to the Post. Meanwhile the Post was presented its charter on December 14, 1945.

In choosing the name for the Post the membership chose the name of the community although the trend was to name Posts after Veteran's with outstanding service awards or those killed in action. In the case of our Post ten (10) men were killed in action. First Commander C. R. Anderson related, in naming our Post, we had ten deserving heroes to choose from. By naming our Post after their community, Penbrook, we name it after them all. (Remember in 1945 and 1946 all members lived in Penbrook).

On July 15, 1946 the first Post Home was dedicated by Congressman John C. Kunkle who delivered the dedication address declaring this Post is in memory of those ten (10) heroes who gave their lives in the war.

During the late 40's and early 50's the Post was very active in the community and Veteran's activities and continued to grow. It soon became aware that the 25 by 50 foot Post home was no longer big enough, coupled with the fact that Penbrook was dry and no alcoholic beverage was allowed, we had to look for another location outside of Penbrook. Some time in the early 1950's the Post moved to Progress at the present location. The exact date is unknown.

There is some evidence that Veteran activity went on in the 60's and 70's although no history was recorded. However in the 1990's a new surge of activity and drive again brought Post 730 back into the Legion main stream.

A new Post home was built in 2003, spiraling membership, officers in both county and district positions, and most important a surge of Veteran and community activity and services makes for a solid future For God and Country.

Russell A. Albright

Historian & Past Commander