
Penbrook American Legion Post














ELIGIBILITY: Children, grandchildren or legally adopted children or a child of a spouse by a prior marriage or dependent child of a member of the American Legion Post 730. Must be a high school senior or high school graduate to apply.

 (Completing a scholarship application can be a difficult task. Below are some tips to help you complete your application.)


Directions for completing this application:


1. Application must be typed.

2. Do not attach any documents or additional pages to the application, except as required.

3. Review the entire application before submitting. If a field is left blank, it will count against you. If you cannot answer a question, put a reason explaining in the field.

4. Proofread your answers/essays in this application. Incomplete applications will be returned for corrections.

5. Use a computer to prepare your final document. Applications will be returned if they are handwritten.

6. Each application is judged on its own merits, therefore include any information that makes you exceptional and the best candidate to receive the award.

7. Keep a copy of everything you submit!

8. Pay close attention to scholarship application deadlines since applications submitted past the deadline will not be considered.


Applications must be postmarked by April 1, 2018

Mail to:

Penbook American Legion Auxiliary Unit 730

3813 Walnut Street,

Harrisburg, PA 17109



Address _______________________________________________________________________

City __________________________________ State ________________ Zip _______________

Telephone  (_____)__________________ Email______________________________________

Date of Birth Month ______ Day _______ Year


Academic Record High School Record

This section is to be completed by a high school official

(May be handwritten)



High school enrollment _____________

Number of students in applicant's class   _____________

Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA)  _____________

GPA scale is _____________  (i.e. 4 point, 6 point, 12 point, etc.)

Class Rank _____________ High School Graduation Date _____________

Are you home schooled? _____________

SAT Scores: Math _______  Verbal  _______  Written _______  Total _______  

and/or ACT Score _______  


Signature _____________________________________________________

Date ___________





Estimated cost of one year of college:


Tuition: $ ___________

Room & Board: $ ___________

Textbooks: $ ___________

Fees: $ ___________

Supplies: $ ___________

Equipment: $ ___________

TOTAL: $ ___________


Father’s Name (if living)  ________________________________________



Mother’s Name (if living) ________________________________________

Occupation  ________________________________________


List brothers and/or sisters and their ages.

Do you have a part time job?

If yes, describe using 250 words or less.

 Describe your school and community activities?

(250 words or less)

What program do you plan on pursuing when you enter a post-secondary institution & Why?

(250 words or less)

What post-secondary institution do you want to attend & Why?

(250 words or less)

Describe activities that would provide examples of your leadership skills/ability.

(250 words or less)

CERTIFICATION: If I am selected as a scholarship winner and in consideration thereof, I understand, agree and hereby grant permission to The American Legion to use my likeness and name in announcing and promoting this scholarship program. I have completed the scholarship application and have attached the required documents. In submitting this application, I certify the information is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand and agree that falsification of information will result in termination of the Scholarship.

Student's Signature_________________________________________ Date _________________


If my child is selected as a scholarship winner and in consideration thereof, we understand, agree and hereby grant permission to The American Legion to use my child's likeness and name in announcing and promoting this scholarship program. My child has completed the scholarship application and has attached the required documents. In submitting this application, I certify the information is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand and agree that falsification of information will result in termination of the Scholarship.

Parent or Guardian ________________________________________ Date _________________